A Tibetan Monk Pilgrim
Original Tibetan Text
deciphered and translated by
Dr. George Roerich, M.A., Ph.D
With a historical and critical introduction
K.P. Jayaswal Research Instituter
The Kashi Prasad Jayaswal Research Institute, Patna has great pleasure in offering to the learned public the biography of Chag lo-tsa-ba Chos-rje-dpal, (Dharmasvamin), a Tibetan monk pilgrim, who was in Bihar in 1234-6 A.D. and has described its condition in great detail. I may refer the reader to my Introduction (pp.i-xxxviii) for the great cultural and historical importance of the work. It is for the first time that an account about India, proceeding from the pen of a Tibetan pilgrim, is seeing the light of the day.
The Institute desires to express its indebtedness to Tri-pitakachatya Rahula Sankrityana, the indefatigable explorer and scholar, for the photostatic copy of the MS. of the biography, lying in the monastery of Nar-than in the Tsan province of central Tibet. It is grateful to Prof. Roerich, M.A., Ph.D., Professor and Head of Department of Philosophy at the Institute of the Oriental Studies, Moscow, for having deciphered the Tibetan text from a single Photostatic copy of the MS. and for having translated it into English. It is thankful to the Bihar Research Society, Patna, which is the custodian of the photostatic copies brought by Mahapandita Rahula Sankrityayana, for having placed the photographs of the MS. at the disposal of the K.P.Jayawal Research Institute in order to get them translated and published.
A.S. Altekar
K.P. Jayaswal Research Institute
PATNA 1-7-1959