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Sách tiếng Anh-English >> A Thousand Lives Away

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  • Tên sách : A Thousand Lives Away
  • Tác giả : Winston L. King
  • Dịch giả :
  • Ngôn ngữ : Anh
  • Số trang : 238
  • Nhà xuất bản : Bruno Cassirer Oxford
  • Năm xuất bản : 1962
  • Phân loại : Sách tiếng Anh-English
  • MCB : 1210000004791
  • OPAC :
  • Tóm tắt :


The theme of this book is the contemporary situation of Buddhism in Burma. It has often been observed that Burmese Buddhism is composed of many heterogeneous elements. Dr. King is the first to demonstrate, in a way which strikes me as positively brilliant, that they all form one organic unity, from the quest for Nirvana to the worship of Pagodas and Nats. His further study of the tensions within this organism and the tendencies of its future development break entirely new ground. These tensions are produced partly by the impact of Christianity, modem science and European social ideals. The author discusses, better than anyone before him, the often debated problem of how far the Buddha can be I described as a “saviour”, and his remarks on Buddhist cosmology are remarkably penetrating. The other source of conflict is the latent struggle between monks, laymen and gaings (non-orthodox, magically orientated sects). This involves such I problems as the “fundamentalism” of the monks, the nature of the social ideals proffered by the gaings, and the new developments in meditational technique initiated by laymen.

A rare combination of talents is necessary to produce something of value on these subjects, and the author has them all. He has a good acquaintance with Buddhist Hinayana literature, an easy familiarity with Western thought, is interested in ideas, has lived in the country, and has no axe to grind. All other publications on Burmese Buddhism have seen are marred by the absence of one or more of these qualifications. Considering the intricacy of the problems involved, it is of, astonishing to find that the author never makes a false step, even where this could well be expected, and his exquisite sensitivity, tact and empathy preserve him from the usual crudities and distortions.

The book is not only sound, but will interest many. Students of Buddhism have always been concerned about the discrep­ancies between the Buddhism of European Pali scholars and the actual Buddhism of Burma. Students of religion will be glad to learn how one of the religions attempts to adapt itself to the modern world. Students of Asia will want to know how the Burmese Buddhists try to assimilate European ideas without losing their own identity. Christians, and those brought up in the Christian tradition, may learn how close the Burmese attitude to the Buddha sometimes comes to the Christian attitude to Christ, and yet, at other times, is miles removed from it. There is also a widespread interest in the new Burmese meditation techniques, and much fresh light is thrown on them here. Since the author nowhere offends Eastern susceptibilities there should be considerable interest among Asians as well.

15.8.’62                                                                         EDWARD CONZE

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