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Sách tiếng Anh-English >> The Questions of King Milinda

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  • Tên sách : The Questions of King Milinda
  • Tác giả : .
  • Dịch giả : T.W. Rhys Davids
  • Ngôn ngữ : Anh
  • Số trang : 388
  • Nhà xuất bản : Dover Publications, Inc. New York
  • Năm xuất bản : 1963
  • Phân loại : Sách tiếng Anh-English
  • MCB : 1201000002295
  • OPAC :
  • Tóm tắt :


Translated from the Pali by T.W. Rhys  Davids

In two parts, Part II

Dover Publications, Inc.

New York

This two-volume set, originally published as part of the historic series, “Sacred Books of the East”, under the editorship of Max Muller, contains complete Rhys Davids translation of the Buddhist dialogues. The Questions of King Milinda. Of unknow authorship, perhaps written around the 2 nd century A.D, the dialogues were preserved in Pali, and this is the only English translation of these significant ancient writings. The Milinda represents an important supplement to the Pali canon the scriptures of Hinayana or Southern Buddhism) and clarifies many of the philosophic puzzles of the canon.

The main body of the text is an account of the purported discussion between Milinda. Indian name for Menander, Greek king of Bactria, and Nagasena, who provides to the king `s questions about the teaching of the Buddha. They deal with a wide range of metaphysical, ethical, and religious problem, such as the realization of nirvana, the existence or nonexistence of the soul, the higher mysteries of archonship, the City of Righteous, the City of Righteousness, reincarnation, the doctrine of karma, etc…More speculative and expository than the Triptaka or the earlier Pali writings, this work marks a broadening of interest within Buddhism and an important stage in the development of Hinayana philosophy.

Today the Milinda is esteemed as an unquestioned authority by Hinayana communities in Ceylon Siam, Burma, and Cambodia, and it is also revered by Chinese Mahayana Buddhist. It is considered to be defense of orthodox doctrine against the doubts of wavering adherents, an important document in the struggle against the Hindu Philosophical schools. Thus it offers to students of the evolution of ideas, philosophers, and historians of religion special insight into the study of Buddhist thought and Indian history. The reader will also discover that these discourse contain a charm and grace that make them a rare literary work of art.

Rhys Davids was one of the great Western scholars and authorities on Buddhism and produced several exposition on the subject in addition to translations and technical studies. Included in this edition are his original critical introductions to the text, which discuss the meaning and relevance of the  Milinda and the research and historical background behind the first publication these volumes.

“Of great philosophical value”. Surendranath Dasgupta, “History of Indian Philosophy”.



Chinese books on  Nagasena

The Buddhist cannon

Vasubandhu`s reference to Nagasena

Kshemendra`s  reference to Milinda

The Mahavamsa on Assagutta Vattaniya

The Katha Vatthu

Milinda and other authorities on the soul theory

The Milinda later than the Katha Vatthu

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