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Sách tiếng Anh-English >> A Brief History of the Western World

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  • Tên sách : A Brief History of the Western World
  • Tác giả : Stewart C. Easton
  • Dịch giả :
  • Ngôn ngữ : Anh
  • Số trang : 428
  • Nhà xuất bản : Barnes & Noble
  • Năm xuất bản : 1965
  • Phân loại : Sách tiếng Anh-English
  • MCB : 12010000004727
  • OPAC :
  • Tóm tắt :



From Prehistoric Times to the Present including Maps

And a Chronological chart



Fourth Printing1965


Chapter Introduction – what is the Western world

I           Prehistory

            The earliest men

            The Neolithic revolution

II          the earliest civilizations



            The Persian empire

            The Hittites

            Commercial peoples of Western Asia

III        The Hebrew civilization and religion

            The Patriarchs

            The conquest and settlement of Canaan

            Division of the Kingdom of Israel – the exile and return

            The contribution of Hebrew religion to western civilization

IV        The civilization of the ancient Greeks

            Cretan civilization, precursor of Greeks

            The settlement of the Greek mainland

            The Spartan State

            The Athenian State

            The Persian wars

            The Peloponnesian war

            The fourth century – rise of Philip of Macedon

            Alexander the Great

            Cultural achievement of the Greeks

V         Roman civilization

            Political institutions of early Rome

            The ezpansion of Rome to 133 b.c

            From the Gracchan revolution to the fall of Republic

            The principate


            From pricipate to empire

Cultural and political achievement of the Romans

VI        Christianity and the End of the Western empire

            The rise of Christianity

            The beginning of the Totalitarian empire – Dioletan and Constantine

            The barbarian invasions and the new Kingdom of the west

VII       The successor States of the Roman empire

            The Byzantine empire

            The Barbarian kingdoms of the west

            The civilization of Islam

VIII     early Medieval Europe to the end of the tenth

            The Carolingian empire

            The beginning of National States in Europe

            Invasions of Northmen and Magyars

            Eastern Europe – the Byzantine empire

            Summary – the dark ages

IX        The middle ages to the close of the twelfth century

            The feudal and Manorial systems

            The Empire and the Papacy

            The empire under the Hohenstaufens

            The Norman monarchy in England

            The early Capetian monarchy in France

            The Iberian Peninsula – the reconquista

            The crusades – the first major ezpansion of Europe

            The development of towns and urban life

X         the last medieval centuries

            The church at the height of its power

            The final struggle between empire and papacy

            England – the beginning of constitutional monarchy

            The consolidation of the French Kingdom

            The Iberian peninsula

            Eastern Europe

            Progress of the towns in the later middle ages


            Decline of medieval civilization in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries

            Cultural accomplishments of the middle ages

XI        The age of the Renaissance and the discoveries

            Decline of the medieval church

            The Renaissance in Italy

            The Renaissance beyond the Alps

            The age of discovery and the “Commercial revolution”

XII       The Protestant reformation and its consequences

            Background of the reformation

            Martin Luther and the beginnings of the reformation

            The religious peace of Augsburg

            The growth of calvinism


            The Catholic or counter reformation

XIII     The European state system

            The Holy Roman empire of the Hapsburge

            The Spanish Hapsburg monarchy

            The Ottoman empire

            The ascendancy of France

            England – the Tudor monarchy and the Puritan revolution

            Brandenburg – Prussia

            Eastern Europe

            The smaller countries of Europe

            Expansion beyond the European continent

XIV     The eighteenth century – the age of enlightenment

            Impact of the scientific revolution

            The enlightenment despots

            Eighteenth century France

            The advance of constitutional government in England

International relations

The expansion of Europe in the eighteenth century

XV      The French revolution and the era of Napoleon

            The French revolution

            The era of Napoleon


XVI     The agricultural and industrial revolutions

            The agricultural revolution

            The industrial revolution

XVII    nineteenth-century Europe to 1871 _the growth of Nationalism and liberalism

            The Metternich system and its failure

            Great Britain in the Nineteeth century

            Russia , Bulwark of autoracy

            The foundation of the Germain empire

            The unification of Italy

XVIII  The Americas in the Nineteenth century

            The United States


            Latin America

XIX     The expansion of Europe

            Motives for expansion

            The far East


XX      The breakdown of International concord

            (1871 – 1914)

            The European Alliance system

            The Balkan powder Keg

            The murder at Sarajevo and its consequences

XXI     The war and the peace

            The progress of the war

            The peace settlement

XXII    Thelong armistice

            The Russian Communist State

            Italian fascism

            Totalitarian Germany

            The major democracies during the long armistice

            The league of nations

            The Spanish civil war

            The world on the Eve of the war


XXIII  The second global war and its consequences

            The cold war

            The devolution of the Western empires

            The United Nations

XXIV  Conclusion – the world in the 1960’s

            The promise of science

            The Haves and the have nots

            Western civilization – a balance sheet

Chronological chart: key dates in Western history



Ancient near East

Alexander’s empire

Roman empireunder Trajan

Europein the time of the crusades

Europein the time of Charles V (ca, 1519)

Europeafter the thirty years’war (1648)

European treaty adjusment 1713-1720

Europeafter 1815

The partition of Africa in 1914

Europebefore world war I (1914)

Europeafter world war (1919)

Europein 1960

The world (1961)



STEWART C. EASTON, a native of England, spent two years at Oxford University, followed by a number of years devoted to business and to service in the Canadian army. He then received his B.A, from Ottawa univesity and his A. M, and Ph. D. from Columbia University. He taught history at City College, new York, from 1947 to 1960, retiring with the rank of Associate Professor. He is author of Roger Bacon and his search for a Universal science,

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